We are excited to announce the release of the ServSafe products to reflect the 2022 FDA Food Code. The content in the ServSafe program is based on the FDA Food Code, the latest science in food safety, and industry best practices. While only some of the changes in the 2022 FDA Food Code required adjustments to the content in our program, we have ensured that ServSafe is, as always, a best-in-class training resource that is completely up to date to help you fulfill your food safety training and certification needs.
Below you will find resources and frequently asked questions regarding these updates and the changes to ServSafe products.
Q: When will ServSafe products updated for the 2022 FDA Food Code update be available?
Q: What ServSafe products are being updated to reflect the 2022 FDA Food Code?
Q: What is new in the 2022 FDA Food Code Update?
Q: I am currently using an older version of the ServSafe Manager 7th Edition with the 2017 FDA Food Code supplement. Will I need to use another supplement?
Q: I am currently using the ServSafe Coursebook 7th Edition with the 2017 FDA Food Code supplement. Will I need to use another supplement?
Q: I am currently using the ServSafe Coursebook 8th Edition for my classroom. Will I need to use a supplement?
Q: I am/my students are scheduled to take the ServSafe Manager Exam before October 2. Will they need a supplement about the Food Code update?
Q: Is my ServSafe certification still valid now that there is a new food code?
Q: If I/my students take the ServSafe Manager Exam before October 2 will I/they have to take it again after October 2 to keep their certification current?
Q: What happens if I am in the process of taking the ServSafe Manager online course when the new version with the 2022 FDA Food Code becomes available?
Q: What happens if I am in the process of taking the ServSafe Food Handler online course when the new version with the 2022 FDA Food Code becomes available?
Q: When will ServSafe products updated for the 2022 FDA Food Code update be available?
A: The ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Exams updated for the 2022 FDA Food Code update will be deployed starting October, 2. ServSafe Manager products updated for the 2022 FDA Food Code update will become available for purchase on the ServSafe website on October, 2.
ServSafe Food Handler products updated for the 2022 FDA Food Code update will become available for purchase on the ServSafe website on November, 6.
Q: What ServSafe products are being updated to reflect the 2022 FDA Food Code?
A: The ServSafe Manager and ServSafe Food Handler programs will be updated to reflect the 2022 FDA Food Code. The ServSafe Allergens online courses already currently have the 2022 FDA Food Code incorporated.
On September 6, 2023, updated ServSafe Manager and Coursebook Instructor Materials and supplements will be released and available for download on ServSafe.com.
On October 2, 2023, the following ServSafe Manager products will be released:
ServSafe Manager Book, 7th Edition Revised in English, Spanish, and Chinese*
*Note: ServSafe Manager Book, 7th Edition Korean text will not be updated and we will provide with an supplement to cover the new content
ServSafe Manager Online Course
ServSafe Manager Exams, print and online
On November 6, 2023, the following ServSafe Food Handler products will be updated:
ServSafe Food Handler Online Course and Assessment
ServSafe Food Handler Guide, 6th Edition
ServSafe Food Handler state and local versions
ServSafe Food Handler instructor resources
The ServSafe CourseBook 8th Edition has supplemental reference materials for the instructor to use in the classroom available for download in the ServSafe Instructor resources.
Q: What is new in the 2022 FDA Food Code Update?
A: A summary of the updates and the impact to ServSafe content is available to both the instructors and students and is located
In addition,
Click hereOpens in a new window to view our webinar - “The 2022 FDA Food Code and You” hosted by industry experts Patrick Guzzle, Vice President of Food Science and Safety for the National Restaurant Association and Dr. Ben Chapman, Agricultural and Human Sciences Department Head at North Carolina State University. This webinar provides insight on why the revisions to the Food Code were made, how the recent changes impact day-to-day operations and how these revisions help keep guests safe.
Q: I am currently using an older version of the ServSafe Manager 7th Edition with the 2017 FDA Food Code supplement. Will I need to use another supplement?
A: This latest edition and supplement will incorporate all changes from the 2017, 2019 Supplement, and 2022 FDA Food Code updates – meaning students and instructors will not need to reference multiple supplements. If you are using the ServSafe Manager 7th Edition, we will provide one supplement that will incorporate all changes.
We do recommend updating to the new version ServSafe Manager 7th Edition Revised where the content is incorporated directly into the book to provide a better learning experience for your students and to aid in efficiency and effectiveness in course delivery.
Q: I am currently using the ServSafe Coursebook 7th Edition with the 2017 FDA Food Code supplement. Will I need to use another supplement?
A: Yes. We will be providing a supplement for the ServSafe Coursebook 7th Edition that will incorporate all changes from the 2017, 2019 Supplement, and 2022 FDA Food Code updates. It is important to note that the ServSafe Coursebook 7th Edition is going out of print. We recommend updating to the ServSafe Coursebook 8th Edition. Please reach out to your sales representative to discuss a migration plan.
Q: I am currently using the ServSafe Coursebook 8th Edition for my classroom. Will I need to use a supplement?
A: Yes. You will need to access the ServSafe Instructor Resources to download the free updates including a detailed change document and a new PowerPoint.
Q: I am/my students are scheduled to take the ServSafe Manager Exam before October 2. Will they need a supplement about the Food Code update?
A: No. Online exams and print exam booklets delivered before Monday, October 2 will not include material related to the 2022 FDA Food Code update. So, candidates sitting for their exam before updated exams are released should not need any supplements to their ServSafe training materials to prepare for the exam.
Q: Is my ServSafe certification still valid now that there is a new food code?
A: Yes. The certification is valid for three (3) to five (5) years depending on the jurisdiction.
Q: If I/my students take the ServSafe Manager Exam before October 2 will I/they have to take the exam again after October 2 to keep their certification current?
A: No. Once you or a student passes the ServSafe Manager Exam, the certification is valid for three (3) to five (5) years depending on the jurisdiction. If the examinee does not pass the exam prior to October 2, any exam administered after October 2 will reflect update to the 2022 Food Code and the examinee may need to study the supplement prior to taking the exam.
Q: What happens if I am in the process of taking the ServSafe Manager Online Course when the new version with the 2022 FDA Food Code becomes available?
A: If you have already started the ServSafe Manager Online Course, we recommend you complete the course and take the exam prior to October 2. If you have not started the ServSafe Manager Online Course prior to October 2, the course will be automatically updated to include the new content.
If the ServSafe Manager Online Course has not been started, the course will automatically be updated to include the new food code update.
Q: What happens if I am in the process of taking the ServSafe Food Handler Online Course when the new version with the 2022 FDA Food Code becomes available?
A: If you have already started the ServSafe Food Handler Online Course, we recommend you complete the course and take the assessment prior to November 6. If you have not started the ServSafe Food Handler Online Course prior to November 6, the course will be automatically updated to include the new content.