Your feedback matters
It helps us getting new customers and also others like you who are looking for ServSafe certification in Boston area.
Please take a momnet rate us on google business page. It takes less than a minute. The more detail you can provide, the better, but would love a short straight-to-the-point review if that’s more of your style.Do you need inspiration for writing your review?
The best reviews include lots of detail and tips for other people who may be considering our services. Here are a few topics to give you ideas when writing your review: • Which services did we provide for you?• At which location did you get service? Boston, Woburn or onsite class at your location.
• What do you like about the training, timimgs, location, setup etc?
• Would you like to mention a specific instructor or a person who deserves kudos?
• How do we compare to similar services you’ve used with other companies?
• Do you have any tips to offer for others who use our services?