Thank you for purchasing ServSafe food safety manager classroom training and exam.
ServSafe food safety manager classroom training and exam schedule is as follows:

Boston location: 265 Franklin st, Suite 1702, Boston, MA 02110

Training: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Online exam: 6:00 PM

Woburn location: 800 West Cummings park, Suite 5500, Woburn, MA 01801

Training: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Online exam: 1:30 PM
Lunch break: 12:00 Noon

Study materials:

Please forward this email to each person attending the class immediately so that they can access the study materials and practice exams prior to the class. We recommend that you take some time to review the following study materials prior to the training or exam.
Food Safety Manager Study guide (PDF file)

Practice test:

Online practice test 1
Online practice test 2
Diagnotic test provided by ServSafe© (PDF file)

What you need to bring for the class and exam

Please bring a valid photo id such as a driver's license with you. Students without a valid photo ID will not be able to take the certification exam.
You do not need to bring a laptop or tablet for the exam. We will provide you with one.

Cancellations and rescheduling

All training and exams are nonrefundable and nonreturnable. If you can not make it to the chosen date and time for classroom training, online training or exams; you can reschedule them. There are no rescheduling fees for up to 90 days. Please send us an email at with your rescheduling request as soon as you know that you can not make it to the class or exam. Reschedule requests made after 90 days are subject to a reschedule fee of $75-$125.

Register your account on (REQUIRED)

ServSafe has implemented new security measures for account registrations on which are causing a lot of candidates not able to complete their registrations and unable to take exams after the training.
To avoid delays and frustration we request you to take time and complete the registration process prior to coming to the class/exam.
Click on the link below and follow the instructions on the page to complete the registration.

For any assistance with account registration please call 800-765-2122

Candidates who fail to complete account registration prior to coming to training and exam may not be able to take their exam the same day if the registration does not go through after the class.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Thank you
Boston Food Safety
Tel:(978) 710-0128